Dear Posterity,
In John 8:32 Jesus says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." This begs us to ask the question, what is truth and how will it make us free? Truth can be difficult to define. The general rule when defining a word is that you can't use that word in the sentence to describe it. Try defining the word truth without using the word true. It can be difficult but it is possible. Truth means different things to different people. What I believe as true doesn't mean that some one else believes it to be true. So when Jesus says you will know the truth and it will make you free, what does He mean?
I believe He answers this question for us in John 14:6 when he says, " I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father but by me." Let's change the way we look at this for a moment. If Jesus is the truth then what He is really telling us is, you shall know me and I shall set you free.
As we come to know our Savior on a more personal level we come to know that He is the truth. That he is the only way that salvation is given and that through Him we can be saved/set free. What does He free us from? He free's us from the bonds of physical death. He died and was resurrected that all men might live again. This gift is free to all those who have inhabited the earth in a body of flesh and bones. But more importantly He suffered the sins of the world that we might overcome sin and through His atonement be cleansed of iniquity. Without this cleansing we would be lost forever, chained done by the guilt of our own mortality. We would be trapped in never ending torment. We would be prisoners.
How grateful I am for the knowledge that I have. For my relationship with the Truth. Jesus lives and if we allow Him to He will save us from all that brings us down. If we cast ourselves upon His feet and have faith in Him, can overcome all obstacles of life. We must come to know the Truth and we must allow the Truth to set us free.
Quite literally, Jesus is the truth and quite literally the Truth will set us free...